Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rude People

So here's something that REALLY steams my clams, if you know what I mean. RUDE PEOPLE.

Last night, my sister and I are walking to the ladies room at a popular cocktail lounge (a Michael Bolton, Kenny G, look-a-like pair appear there nightly for your entertainment), and we are fast approaching the facilities when this brazen younger woman RUDELY cuts us off and grabs the handle to the door, entering without a second thought to the ladies (us) who were clearly there first. I don't think I need to tell you how tempted I was to ope the door, exposing said ruffian to the eyes of the lounge-because in her haste, she had forgotten to turn the latch, and the little sign above the handle still read "VACANT."
Well, I'm a God-fearing woman, and I did not give in to that particular temptation, but WOW! I wanted to! She SOOOOO deserved it.
So what about you, gentle reader?
Feel free to leave me a post about your latest encounter with RUDE PEOPLE. I'd love to hear about the shenanigans others have to endure at the hands of the rude.

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